Unity Game Development Cookbook

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We’re incredibly excited about this book, and really proud of our work on it. We hope you find it a useful companion to your game development using the Unity engine.

Unity is an amazing platform, and the more you use it the more you’ll come up with new ideas on how you can use it, why you could use it, and so on! It’s all very exciting. Trust us, we’ve been there.

As Secret Lab, we use Unity to build most of our video games. We’re best known for building children’s games in Australia, as well as our contributions to the BAFTA- and IGF-winning Night in the Woods. We discovered Unity more than a decade ago, and we haven’t stopped using it since.

In this book, we’ve assembled a selection of recipes to solve common problems that we found ourselves solving over and over as we build video games using Unity. This book won’t cover every single tiny thing you want to know about Unity, but it hopefully covers the majority of things you’d be doing day-to-day in video game development.

These recipes are about things we wish we had someone to ask about back when we were first building our own games. We really hope they help you!

It’s a really exciting time to be using Unity. The game development world is getting bigger and more interesting every day, and the tools and technologies we use are better than ever.

Go out and build great games!

This book assumes that you know a little of the C# programming language, or a similar language like C++, Java, Go, Swift, Python, or other common languages, but don’t know anything about Unity. This book is intended to be a companion to get your games up and running faster.

Code and Resources

All the code from the example app built in the book is available on GitHub. We'll be keeping the GitHub repository up to date with small changes to Swift.

If you only want to download the code, rather than work with the Git repository, use the Download Zip button found on the GitHub page.

Feedback and Questions

You can use the form below, or just email us, with your questions and feedback. We'll be happy to help!