Play School Play Time for iPad

ABC Play School Play Time, developed for the ABC by Secret Lab

Developed by Secret Lab for the ABC, Play School Play Time for iPad has hit the App Store this week! Let us know what you think!

This app contains some of the most interesting and complex use of Core Animation that we've ever done, and we're proud of how it's turned out. You can grab it from the App Store here, if you're in Australia, or here, if you're elsewhere!

If you haven't seen the previous app that we built for ABC Play School, also check out Play School Art Maker (Australia/other).

Update! As of 25 September 2013, the Play School Play Time app hit Number 1 in the App Store!

National Science Week 2013
National Science Week 2013 app by Secret Lab
National Science Week 2013 app by Secret Lab

We're incredibly pleased to be involved with National Science Week in Australia again this year. After building an app for the Tasmanian events last year, we were asked to create an app for the whole of Australia this year.

National Science Week 2013 app by Secret Lab
National Science Week 2013 app by Secret Lab

The app is now available on the iTunes App Store. Check it out, let us know what you think, and don't forget to take a look through the fantastic events that are being run as part of National Science Week 2013!

If you're running an event and need an app, we'd love to help.

Mobile UX Design and Development
OSCON 2013

We also ran our Android UX and development tutorial ("Level Up Your Apps: Mobile UX Design and Development") for the third year at OSCON! We had a great time presenting alongside our friend Chris Neugebauer (who devised much of the content).

Finished OSCON 2013 app from Secret Lab tutorial

Some links/information for those of you who are interested:

  • Final APK (suitable for installing) of the OSCON 2013 app we built
  • GitHub repository for the code from the tutorial
  • The tags, corresponding in order to the start and finished states for the application: talk_listing_start, talk_listing_end, schedule_start, schedule_end, day_list_start, day_list_end, navigation_start, navigation_end, data_end, tabs_end, theme_start, theme_end, navigation_refresh, talk_listing_update, themeing_finished
  • You can switch between these tags by using git reset --hard followed by git checkout and the name of the tag you want. Note that you will lose changes.

Slides are available on Speaker Deck:

Slides for OSCON 2013 Tutorial
Slides for OSCON 2013 Tutorial

If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch!